SpelenmaaR / JustplaY
Children in the Netherlands play less and less outside, also children in Wageningen. The corona crisis has reinforced this negative trend.
To turn the tide, Empowerment by Playing started SpelenmaaR (JustplaY) together with Johanna Schröder and Franziska Nath from Creatiefhuis Wageningen.
SpelenmaaR is an inclusive pop up loose parts playground.
In 2022, we received a start-up grant from Wageningen Doet. This gave us the chance to really start our plan. 3 April 2022 we popped up small at the Spring Market in Wageningen, during the 5 May festival we already popped up more firmly. Saturday 18 June was the official Kick of in playground Tuindorp. During the 2022 Kindercultuurzomerr, we were popped up no less than eight times, with a grande finale on 28 August in the Torckpark with a SpelenmaaR XL in collaboration with Emaus Wageningen. Due to great success, also in 2023 SpelenmaaR XL! Check the agenda.
What is SpelenmaaR?
SpelenmaaR is a program to stimulate creative, adventurous and free play in Wageningen, to create rich play environments and to promote knowledge exchange about play.
SpelenMaar is a movable playground and pops up wherever children are.
SpelenmaaR is also an inclusive playground. All children can play, also children with a disability.
The pop up playground offers children the opportunity to play freely with loose materials such as boxes, cloths, car tires, planks, ropes, tape etc. This type of playground finds its basis in Denmark where the concept of the Loose Parts Adventure Playground was developed. We apply the proven concept in Wageningen and surroundings.
Keep an eye on this website for the agenda with current dates and sign up for our newsletter
See you at SpelenmaaR!
Agenda SpelenmaaR summer 2022
Date | Time | Lokatie | Partner |
July 2 | 13.00 – 17.00 | Markt | Leeffestival |
July 10 | 13.00 - 17.00 | OB speelplek Margrietplantsoen | Kindercultuurzomer |
August 8 | 13.00 - 17.00 | OB speelplek Witmondplein | Kindercultuurzomer |
September 7 | 9.30 - 14.00 | SAM School Olympiade 2023 | Eigenwijzer |
News SpelenmaaR

SpelenMaaR: From marble track to flagpole.
For three weeks, as part of the KIndercultuurzomer, SpelenMaaR can be found every Wednesday from 15.00 to 17.00h in the De Nude neighborhood on the playing field on the Groen van Prinstererstraat in Wageningen. New this year is that every Wednesday has a different theme. On Wednesday, July 27, the theme was “From marble track…

SpelenMaaR presents: Training how to tie play climbing constructions!
Do you work with children and would you like to learn how to create exciting play leads with ropes yourself? Then this SpelenMaaR basic training is for you! In the training you will learn how to tie play climbing constructions like suspension bridges and swings without damaging trees. You will also gain initial experience in…

Cool, SpelenMaaR spring break
It is almost becoming tradition that during the vacations you can play with SpelenMaaR in playground Tuindorp :-). Wednesday afternoon, February 21, about 50 children found their way to SpelenMaaR in Tuindorp. SpelenMaaR was this time inside and outside. (Grand)parents could drop the kids off and pick them up later or just stay. The team…

SpelenMaaR inside winter edition
SpelenMaaR was asked by Eigenwijzer, The Children’s Culture Winter, to organize a SpelenMaaR Winter edition. Great idea!. On January 3, max 40 children could come play “Winter Building with SpelenMaaR” in the large hall of the local playground Tuindorp – Wageningen. It was the first time for us to organize SpelenMaaR inside. The children had…

SpelenmaaR XL!!
Sunday, August 28 is the exciting play finals of the KinderCultuurZomer 2022 in the Torckpark! The children will make their own play finals with stuff from both SpelenmaaR and Emmaus-Wageningen. A lot of children and (grand)parents in Wageningen got t know SpelenmaaR this summer. SpelenmaaR is an inclusive pop-up loose-parts playground. Wherever SpelenmaaR pops up,…

Fun with car tires
If you ask an adult “What can you do with a car tire?” your answer will probably be “roll, sit” . It turns out that the tires at SpelenmaaR can do much more than serve as seats or roll around. Watch and be amazed. With every SpelenmaaR there is another surprising application. With all the…

Typically SpelenmaaR
SpelenmaaR is on tour in Wageningen. Little by little people know us. How we know? Some children come to play for the second or sometimes even third time! These experienced Playmates know what we have in the trailer, grab what they need and get to work right away. We ourselves are also getting the hang…

SpelenmaaR Leeffestival Wageningen
On Sunday 3 July 2022, part of the market square in Wageningen was the domain of children. SpelenmaaR had descended on it for the Leeffestival. The market was littered with all kinds of loose items. Cloths, boxes, planks, tyres, sticks, pots and much more. All these items were accompanied by the sign “Children are the…

Successful kick off SpelenmaaR
Saturday 18 of June was the official kick-off of SpelenmaaR at playground Tuindorp. The playground was the scene of the annual midsummer festival that day.A lot of children started working with the loose materials. Huts appeared and disappeared again, an elephant was let out, inventions were made, sword fights were held and much more. Besides…

Freedom with boxes
On the 30th of June, there will be another meeting of the “Samen Speel Netwerk”. The theme of the meeting is “From play equipment to inclusive play”.In preparation for this I ‘m researching this interesting proces. This picture of a a child crawling out of a box was taken during the May 5th liberation festival…